Days 30 to 34 – BIKINI BODY

Days 30 to 34 – BIKINI BODY

Friday 21st October – Monday 24th

Friday we started our bikini body fitness regime! I designed an exercise program for myself and Erin to follow in a bid to get beach body ready. At the last house we did attempt running, but it was super inconsistent. This time , in Wodonga, theres more will power and more places to exercise. Obviously you can exercise anywhere, but here in Wodonga they have lots of walking trails, bike routes and paths, outside gyms and open space. Theres also lots of water sports available.

So we start on Friday with some simple cardio – just a nice gentle job around the park with the dogs. Obviously being huskies, they love to run, and they run fast. Its tricky keeping up with the dogs but its an awesome way to push yourself. Running alone its tempting to slow down, or even stop – but with the dogs they set the pace! Its fun.

We then get back from the run and take a walk to the shop, to get food fit for our bikini body attempts. Its a pretty long walk there. It takes us about 30 minutes. The walk back is even longer, carrying all the bags!

The next day we start our first circuit session, its a pretty light session. We then decide to take a walk into Albury. Its a 5 mile walk there and a 5 mile walk back, so we decide to take the dogs with us. Its a nice walking route and the dogs love being out and about so we thought it would be a good idea. We head off, not really knowing where we’re going – again using here maps as a back up. The walk starts well, we have a couple of stops here and there to give the dogs some water. Eventually we get to the freeway, and heres maps is insisting that we walk onto the freeway – there is no path for humans at all but heres maps is adamant that we can just stroll along the freeway with two excitable huskies. So we turn back and use our brains. We take a right turn and end up in Belvoir park. We walk around the park and find a map that leads us to the walking trail to Albury – YAYYYY.

The dogs by this point are super excited and pulling myself and Erin all over the place. Tyre trying to run into the lake, chase birds and butterflies, and generally just run around like crazy animals. In the end I have both Stitch and Lilo attached to me by the waist rather than holding the leads. THEY’RE SO STRONG. I literally use all the muscles in my body to stop them from running off. The waist belt is by far easier and more comfortable than holding leads.

We walk through some really beautiful scenes. The flood gates were recently opened due to a wet winter and rising water levels. So there was lots of water around and streams, lakes and rivers were all overflowing….making a wet land. Beautiful to see, we even saw a pelican and parrots flying over the water. However, water also means mosquitos! They were everywhere.

We get to a sign that says Albury 3k. So were getting closer, and can’t wait to get there. We’re in pain – Erin has blisters (seriously, Erin is so blister prone – first her hands from gardening and now her feet!) and our legs are generally painful from the two days of exercise after doing nothing at all for a month. We carry on walking feeling slightly upset knowing we will have to walk all the way back as well. The reason we’re heading into Albury is to find Kmart so we can buy a bike helmet. We bought a bike so we could go cycling, but we forgot to buy a helmet. As you do. So this is why were heading to Albury.

We carry on walking and eventually get to a point where the path is complete flooded as the river has burst its banks. We can’t go any further. So that means turn back and walk a good 4 miles home after already walking 4 miles there – and still without a bike helmet. The walk home is slow and painful!

By the time we wake up Sunday we are aching so bad. Thank god its ‘rest day’. We take the dogs for a nice gentle walk which helps ease some of the aches and pains. The the rest of the day we play black ops on the PS3.

Monday we’re back on it and up for circuits. This time we have upped the intensity of the circuits. Three circuits instead of two and an increase in reps on some of the stations.Its such a nice day for some outdoor exercise. We get to our second mini circuit and the leg press machine is covered in cobwebs. Im 100% in the zone and don’t even notice or particularly care, so I sit down and start leg pressing. Erin is still looking around the machine for a seat that isn’t so webby. She finally sits down and joins me leg pressing.

We get up, do our split squats and squat jumps, and then I hear Erin screaming. She has a spider on her thigh lol. Im currently trying to do a chin up (i seriously suck at those – my upper body strength is appalling). I drop from the bar but am still s in the exercise zone that I don’t even scream, I simply say gross and then carry on. Poor Erin.

So we finish our circuits and head home, today will be spent in the sun and taking the dogs for a nice long walk. Cardio tomorrow!

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